Healing Through Peanut Butter
Today I would like to take you on a quick journey through the Stages of Grief. These stages apply to all of life’s really bad stuff, as well as when your freaking kid eats all the Reece’s eggs. An understanding of these stages is incredibly beneficial in healing. Let’s begin.
I awoke this morning, and poured my coffee, unaware of the tragedy about to strike. It was then that I noticed the trash can was full of wrappers from the (previously) carefully hidden Easter candy.
Stage of Grief #1: Denial. “No, no! This can’t be! Surely this isn’t the same candy I had hidden in our locked closet? It can’t be!” As if anyone else in the house had made purchases for the Easter baskets. Right.
Stage of Grief #2: Anger. “Travis. TRAVIS. TRAVIS FORGOT TO LOCK THE CLOSET.” Travis has committed a heinous act and is now dead to me.
Stage of Grief #3: Bargaining. I decide that perhaps, if I say a quick Hail Mary and check the closet, all the Reece’s eggs will be intact and this will just have been a bad dream.
However, upon checking the closet and seeing the carnage, I succumbed to stage of grief #4: Depression. Sadness came crashing in waves. “I JUST WANT TO BE A GOOD MOTHER BUT HOWWWWWW, LORD?”
As life and motherhood demanded, I carried on with my morning, but the cycle of denial/anger/bargaining/depression carried on in my mind. After time and reflection of the goodness of life and God’s promises, I was slowly able to understand that even though I don’t like what happened (the Reece’s egggggggssss 😭😭😭), I can’t let it ruin my [potentially awesome] day. I surrendered.
It was then, that something caught my eye. Could it be? Two delightfully intact, unwrapped, fingerprinted Reece’s eggs in the bottom of Waylon’s toy basket.
And this, my friends, is stage of grief #5: acceptance.
For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ [and unwrapped, fingerprinted, Reece’s eggs]. 2 Corinthians 1:5
#okmaybeIexaggerated #justalittle #butyougetthepoint #holyweek #thankyouJesus #theywerealivejustlikehesaidtheywouldbe!