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I'm a mom of four, a nurse, a stand-up comedian, and a killer wife (I mean he's not in danger, I'm just good at wifing) just trying to do all things through Christ who gives me chin hairs and skin tags.
I also happen to be an autism momma. I say "happen" but truth is, it was meant to be. If I wasn't an autism mom, my life would probably be wasted on manicures and Tupperware products. (Don't get me wrong, I love a good gel coat and those bowls that go accordion style flat.) 
I forget teeth from under pillows, I eat entire bags of those super cheap barbecue potato chips, and I refuse to sell bricks of pre-portioned cookie dough because America we are better than this
Also, I like to write, and make people laugh, and eat meatloaf.

Welcome to the blog. Where I write all the little things that cross my mind.