come hell or high water

We've needed a date night lately like we've needed air and water. We've been putting it off way. too. long. Finally last week TK said, "We're going on a date Saturday night COME HELL OR HIGH WATER". So I said, "Yes, please".

And wouldn't you know it- as we were walking out the door Saturday, we noticed our laundry room had flooded and soaked the 7,249 loads of unfolded laundry within and the basement below. (HELL OR HIGH WATER)

So we sat in Texas Roadhouse and ate marginal steak and ordered extra hot rolls and honey butter and laughed {and cussed some} about the small flood in our home.


Every other Wednesday night since November, I've been sneaking to KC to meet with 10 other autism parents and a few other super funny people to plan the 2015 Evening with the 'Rents

(a fundraiser for Camp Encourage). We talk about the hilariously funny things our {adorable} kids with autism have done, the tears they have brought us, and the joy. And we laugh so. freaking. hard.

So while working to plan a comedy show with parents of children with autism, I realized something very important. And I want to share it with you, too.

These are trying times for many. The burdens are heavy. The struggle is real. But when crap is hitting the fan (sometimes figuratively, sometimes literally), if you can laugh with someone, you can get through it. Find the joy in everything. (It's there, trust me!) Crap is so much easier to clean off the fan when you are laughing about it with someone.

If you are currently climbing uphill in your journey, you will get through these trying times, (COME HELL OR HIGH WATER). Trust me!

This Friday, February 27th, I am proud to be a co-host for the 2015 Evening with the 'Rents. Like last year's event, it promises to be a night of laughter and joy, and a celebration of those with autism that we know and love, who have stolen our hearts {and sanity}. 

Really- it's cheap therapy (and the only therapy program in the area with a full bar in the lobby).

Tickets are still available, and if it sells out you can bet that yours truly will be crapping herself (instead of cleaning up someone else's crap, for once).

Get your tickets here!


Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.

--Kurt Vonnegut


I call BS on the "less cleaning up to do" part.

 --Lindy Katzer
